Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Love Camping! :)

This last weekend we went up to Island Park and camped with the Cherry family over labor day, It was such a fun weekend and we are so blessed to have such an awesome family! We got there Friday evening and came back on Monday, so we had lots of time to just play and relax with everyone over the three day weekend. It was really nice to get away from everything and go up in the mountains surrounded by nothing but trees. We stayed at a place right on the lake and had so much fun boating, sitting around the campfire eating some awesome dinners, Ryan's mom J'lene is an amazing cook and made sure nobody went hungry! We spent lots of time playing card games like Wacky 6 and Rage, Wacky 6 is now my favorite games...even though I pretty much suck and AnnMarie killed us all haha.   Ryan and I learned how to wake board which was an extremely long learning process for me :) (thanks Mitch and Justin for your patience haha) but I eventually got the feel for it and was able to figure it out! Ryan popped right up his first time and did awesome with it. He is just so naturally good at sports it amazes me! He did awesome on the wake board and rocked the knee board... right before he got rocked by the tube haha he is a hard core boater :) needless to say we were both extremely sore the next few days but it was well worth it! We were gone over Saturday evening which was a huge sacrifice for all the guys to make since that was the same night as the first BSU game....OH NO!!! haha no worries...we got the radio broadcast and were able to listen to it from one of the truck radios GO BRONCOS! Heath did amazing for only his 2nd time camping. It got pretty cold at night, but it was really nice that Ryan's parents have a camping trailer that we were able to sleep in and keep warm, especially with an 8 month old baby! Nights were a little rough for Heath but as long as he was kept warm with a full tummy he was all good :) We had such a fun weekend with everyone and are not quite ready for summer to end yet! Thank Cherry Family for such an amazing weekend!

Happy Couple :)

Heath and Grandma Cherry

Ryan on the tube
Heath and Mommy
Heath and Daddy

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