Monday, August 15, 2011


This last week I decided to go to Boise to see my family. (I havent been home since april so I was getting a little homesick :))  Ryan had to work so he stayed in Rexburg and I took Heath with me. I was a little nervous that I was driving that far without Ryan and since heath hates his carseat I didnt want to be pulled over most of the time, or listen to him cry until I stopped. I made sure to feed him a bottle right before we left, and I didnt leave until it was around the time he takes a nap. Heath sleeps really good in the car while we are driving but as soon as we stop he will wake up so I made sure to fill up and get everything I need before we get on the road.Well that all worked wonders because he slept until Mountain Home! He was such a little champ! I was so proud of him and so glad that I didn't have to stop! He was so glad to be out of his carseat by the time we actually got there but he did so great! This last week was just a reminder of how much I LOVE being a mom! My mom, sisters, and I took all the kids to Roaring Springs (a waterpark in Boise) to play for one of the days we were there. Heath absolutely loves water and was splashing and kicking all over the kiddie pool :) It was so much fun to watch him have such a blast splashing and laughing at all the kids playing around him. He loved it! Later that week I was noticing heath's hair was getting pretty long and super curly (takes after his daddy :)) so my mom gave him his first hair cut! :) he was a little skeptical of the scissors and kept looking at me for reassurance but he held really still and was so good! I love watching him experience new things while at the same time keeping one eye on me to make sure he is ok. He had a blast playing with his cousins and all those new toys that grandma has at her house! On Friday morning we got up and headed back for Rexburg. I tried to follow the same schedule that I did on the way here and it worked again, he slept until Idaho Falls! :) He is definitely a road trip baby! I love my little guy! :) It was so much fun to be in Boise but it is always great to be back home! Heath was so happy to see his daddy again and I definitely have come to realize how much Ryan does to help me with heath and everything else while we are out of town! I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband in my life! Thanks family for such a fun and exciting week!          

1 comment:

  1. Awe :) This made me smile. You are so grown up! Haha, I know you aren't that much younger than me, but seriously I always think of the times I would come over and say, "Can you play?" Haha. Now we are Mammas! GO US. PS- Your baby= ADORABLE!
